Monday, January 27, 2014

A hotel for baby pheasants

The Tui Ridge syndicate will take delivery of our poult pheasants in a couple of weeks; so we needed to finish up the pen with netting cover, feeders and drinkers. maybe a fifth of our birds will go into this pen, the others going into last year's (much larger) pen.

At day's start

The feature of the pen is the big tree in the font third, a perfect place for a hawk to sit while selecting which juicy poult to pounce and then chew on. Because you're not allowed to fully cover a release pen (stupid regulation!) we would only be able to drape net over a portion to allow some cover that the birds can wander in and out of, a temporary arrangement. The team was Rick, Dickie & Helen, Andrew, Malcolm and me. We got stuck in and got things looking pretty good in a few hours.

There are some lovely gulleys nearby that should hold plenty of birds.

So, next mission for the syndicate will be collecting the birds and releasing them into the pens, continuing to suppress predators... feeding, watering...

Less than 100 days to the season.

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