Sunday, November 4, 2012

Power auger

Yesterday the Tui Ridge riff-raff got together to begin putting in the posts for our release pen. The pen is situated in fairly mature pine block. We'd hired an ancient rattly & noisy post hole borer (auger). Dickie and I as the biggest guys got the job of drilling the post holes. The first auger bit hit a root and the sheer bolt snapped like a cheese stick within seconds. So we put on the second bit and got going. Within a couple of hours, the machine began to throw bits and pieces - a bolt here, air filter cover, muffler nut, muffler bolt (which Rick picked up and burned himself on).. and all in all proved itself to be a complete piece of sh*t. It didn't end there... after we'd got the corner posts in, we managed to get the auger bit stuck in a hole and it took half an hour of digging to free it - right after Dickie did his back in as we tried to lift it out. Dickie had to retire hurt and head home (he wont be getting out of bed today), and we decided that rather than completely destroying the machine, we'd return it and get our rent fee back.

We also decided in the interests of time and effort to get a contractor to ram the rest of the posts.

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