Thursday, September 13, 2012

Researching, as you do....

Been trawling around the 'net as you do, mainly looking for fly patterns to try on Mr. Taimen next year. Found this site... where they talk about chopping up your prized catch and eating it! Really???

I mean these things are endangered. Trust me, I love catching and eating fish and am no wowser but somehow the idea of travelling vast distances to catch a rare-ish fish only to smack your catch on the head and roast it on a spit... well.

This passage got me wondering:

"What they eat and when

Cannibalistic is the word best used to describe the diet of the Mongolian Taimen. The actual term is piscivorous, for all you smart guys/girls out there. All it really means is that they mainly eat other fish. But here’s a surprise for y’all. They are known to hunt waterfowl (ducks, geese, etc.) as well as terrestrial rodents that wander into the water.

Taimen eat like all other salmon-like swimmers; opportunistically. When food becomes available, they become hungry, like the average human teen-ager."

Now I would love nothing more than to hunt ducks or geese since I'm going all that way, I wonder what's available up there? More digging to do....

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