Sunday, October 23, 2011


Next Saturday is the celebration of JB Fan Club's birthday. Then, Dre and I are heading up north to catch up with Simon for a reunion of sorts - well over 20 years since Andre & Simon last caught up when we worked together. Our common purpose is to hunt big snaps at the very best time of the year to do so - end of spring, on the new moon and hence the biggest tides. Si "sort of knows what he's doing" - he catches more large snapper in a year than most anglers catch in a career and his living room is decorated with the world record snapper on 8kg line weight. Its'a massive 14.35kg. We've planned our spots and rigs and we're even taking some lighter stuff for fishing over sand. My 4kg rig will be no match for a big guy in tiger country but in deep water over sand....

Really looking forward to this trip.

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