Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 55 & the Kingfish Plan

It's the 55th day of the duck season. Rats! Its almost all over already! Good grief! Too soon to talk about highlights package, too late to hatch any more cunning ducky schemes. I'm too busy thinking about busting pheasants on Saturday anyhow, to grieve for the end of the season. As an alternative schemy-scheme, I'm putting my mind to hatching a cunning plan to nail a world record fly rod kingfish. The place will be East Cape. The fish will be big, but not fully active after all the cold water they've endured over winter. It will be hungry. A slowly twitched deeply fished fly (a BIG one) will get murdered. The beauty of a 12 weight is that you max out at about 6.5kg of pressure, that's it, you physically can't put more hurt than that through a 12 weight or you'll bust the rod. 6.5kg of pressure slowly applied will aggravate a big kingfish a 10th as much as 25kg (as in Shimano Stella) brutally applied and a big old jig smacking it in the head. Sure, it can take exception and run into the reef and then no power on earth will help... but if its lethargic, tired, unfocussed..... who knows.

This one here wouldn't break the record.... think BIGGER

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